This API is provided by plugin.checks(). It allows plugins to contribute to the "Checks" tab and summary:

Each plugin can register a checks provider that will be called
when a change page is loaded. Such a call would return a list of Runs
and each
run can contain a list of Results
The details of the ChecksApi are documented in the
source code.
Note that this link points to the master
branch and might thus reflect a
newer version of the API than your Gerrit installation.
If no plugins are registered with the ChecksApi, then the Checks tab will be hidden.
You can read about the motivation, the use cases and the original plans in the design doc.
Here are some examples of open source plugins that make use of the Checks API:
checksApi.register(provider, config?)
provider Must implement a
interface that returns aPromise<FetchResponse>
with runs and results. See also documentation in the source code. -
config Optional configuration values for the checks provider.
Tells Gerrit to call provider.fetch()