gerrit show-caches - Display current cache statistics


'ssh' -p <port> <host> 'gerrit show-caches' [--gc] [--show-jvm]


Display statistics about the size and hit ratio of in-memory caches.



Request Java garbage collection before displaying information about the Java memory heap.


List the name and version of the Java virtual machine, host operating system, and other details about the environment that Gerrit Code Review is running in.


Width of the output table.


Caller must be a member of the privileged Administrators group, or have been granted the View Caches global capability.


Intended for interactive use only.


$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit show-caches
Gerrit Code Review        2.2.2                     now    10:03:34   PDT
                                                 uptime     1 min 39 sec
  Name               Max |Object Count        |  AvgGet  |Hit Ratio     |
                     Age |  Disk    Mem    Cnt|          |Disk Mem  Agg |
  accounts           90d |                   1|          |           95%|
  accounts_byemail   90d |                    |          |              |
  accounts_byname    90d |                   1|          |              |
  adv_bases          10m |                    |          |              |
D diff               90d |     8             8|          |              |
D diff_intraline     90d |     1             1|          |              |
  groups             90d |                  19|          |            0%|
  groups_byext       90d |                    |          |              |
  groups_byinclude   90d |                  21|          |           80%|
  groups_byname      90d |                    |          |              |
  groups_byuuid      90d |                    |          |              |
  project_list       90d |                    |          |              |
  projects           90d |                   1|          |           80%|
  sshkeys            90d |                   1|          |           90%|
D web_sessions       12h |                    |          |              |
SSH:      1  users, oldest session started 782 ms ago
Tasks:    2  total =    1 running +      0 ready +    1 sleeping
Mem:  46.13m total =  16.17m used +  29.96m free +   0.00k buffers
     246.56m max
           0 open files,        6 cpus available,       23 threads