Make a Snapshot
Only for plugins:
In the pom.xml update the Gerrit version under properties > Gerrit-ApiVersion to the version of the new Gerrit release.
Make sure that the URL for the Maven repository with the id gerrit-api-repository in the pom.xml is correct.
If Gerrit-ApiVersion references a released Gerrit version it must be, if Gerrit-ApiVersion references a snapshot Gerrit version it must be
Build the latest snapshot and install it into the local Maven repository:
mvn clean install
Test Gerrit with this snapshot locally
Publish Snapshot
If a Snapshot for a Subproject was created that should be referenced by Gerrit while current Gerrit development is ongoing, this Snapshot needs to be published.
Make sure you have done the configuration needed for deployment:
Deploy the new snapshot:
mvn deploy
Change the version in the Gerrit parent pom.xml for the Subproject to the SNAPSHOT version
When Gerrit gets released, a release of the Subproject has to be done and Gerrit has to reference the released Subproject version.
Prepare the Release
First create (and test) the latest snapshot for the subproject/plugin
Update the top level pom.xml in the subproject/plugin to reflect the new project version (the exact value of the tag you will create below)
Create the Release Tag
git tag -a -m "prolog-cafe 1.3" v1.3
Build and install into local Maven repository:
mvn clean install
Publish the Release
Make sure you have done the configuration needed for deployment:
Configuration in pom.xml for Subprojects or Core Plugins
Deploy the new release:
mvn deploy
Push the pom change(s) to the project’s repository refs/for/<master|stable>
Push the Release Tag
git push gerrit-review refs/tags/v1.3:refs/tags/v1.3
Part of Gerrit Code Review