Preparing a New Snapshot for Publishing

  • You will need to have the following in the pom.xml to make it deployable to the gerrit-maven storage bucket:

      <name>gerrit Maven Repository</name>
  • Add this to the pom.xml to enable the wagon provider:

  • Add your username and password to your ~/.m2/settings.xml file. These need to come from the API Console.

  <settings xmlns=""

Making a Snapshot

  • Only for plugins: in the pom.xml update the Gerrit version under properties > Gerrit-ApiVersion to the version of the new Gerrit release

  • First build and deploy the latest snapshot and ensure that Gerrit builds/runs with this snapshot

  • Deploy the snapshot:

mvn deploy

Making a Release

  • First deploy (and test) the latest snapshot for the subproject/plugin

  • Update the top level pom.xml in the subproject/plugin to reflect the new project version (the exact value of the tag you will create below)

  • Commit the pom change and push to the project’s repo refs/for/<master/stable>

  • Tag the version you just pushed (and push the tag)

git tag -a -m "prolog-cafe 1.3" v1.3
git push gerrit-review refs/tags/v1.3:refs/tags/v1.3
  • Deploy the new release:

mvn deploy

Part of Gerrit Code Review