gerrit-cherry-pick - Download and cherry pick one or more changes


gerrit-cherry-pick <remote> <changeid>…

gerrit-cherry-pick --continue | --skip | --abort

gerrit-cherry-pick --close <remote>


Downloads the listed changes specified on the command line and proceeds to cherry-pick them (rewriting commit SHA-1s as it goes) onto the current branch.

If a merge failure prevents this from being completely automatic, you will be asked to resolve the conflict and restart the command with the \--continue option.

Change ids may be specified as either the change id (e.g. 1234) or as change id slash patch set number (e.g. 1234/8). If the patch set number is not supplied, /1 is assumed.

The \--close command line option is now deprecated, as closing existing changes post cherry-pick is better handled simply by ensuring Change-Id lines are present in each commit message.


To obtain the gerrit-cherry-pick script use scp, curl or wget to copy it to your local system:

$ scp -p -P 29418 ~/bin/
$ curl

Part of Gerrit Code Review