Plugins should be html-based and imported following PolyGerrit’s dev guide.

Sample code for testing endpoints:

Gerrit.install(plugin => {
  // Change endpoint below
  const endpoint = 'change-metadata-item';
  plugin.hook(endpoint).onAttached(element => {
    console.log(endpoint, element);
    const el = element.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
    el.textContent = 'Ah, there it is. Lovely.'; = 'background: pink; line-height: 4em; text-align: center;';

Default parameters

All endpoints receive the following parameters, set as attributes to custom components that are instantiated at the endpoint:

  • plugin

    the current plugin instance, the one that is used by Gerrit.install().

  • content

    decorated DOM Element, is only set for registrations that decorate existing components.

Plugin endpoints

The following endpoints are available to plugins.


The banner extension point is located at the top of all pages. The purpose is to allow plugins to show outage information and important announcements to all users.


The change-view-integration extension point is located between Files and Messages section on the change view page, and it may take full page’s width. Primary purpose is to enable plugins to display custom CI-related information (build status, etc).

  • change

    current change displayed, an instance of ChangeInfo

  • revision

    current revision displayed, an instance of RevisionInfo


The change-metadata-item extension point is located on the bottom of the change view left panel, under the Label Status and Links sections. Its width is equal to the left panel’s, and its primary purpose is to allow plugins to add sections of metadata to the left panel.

In addition to default parameters, the following are available:

  • change

    current change displayed, an instance of ChangeInfo

  • revision

    current revision displayed, an instance of RevisionInfo

  • labels

    labels with scores applied to the change, map of the label names to LabelInfo entries


The robot-comment-controls extension point is located inside each comment rendered on the diff page, and is only visible when the comment is a robot comment, specifically if the comment has a robot_id property.

In addition to default parameters, the following are available:

  • comment

    current comment displayed, an instance of CommentInfo


This endpoint is situated among the repository commands.

In addition to default parameters, the following are available:

  • repoName

    String name of the repository currently being configured.

  • config

    The object representing the repo config.


The repo-config extension point is located at the bottom of the repository configuration settings screen.

In addition to default parameters, the following are available:

  • repoName

    String name of the repository currently being configured.


This endpoint is situated at the end of the navigation menu in the settings screen.


This endpoint is situated at the end of the body of the settings screen.


This endpoint wraps the textarea in the reply dialog.


This endpoint decorator wraps the voting buttons in the reply dialog.


This endpoint wraps the title-text in the application header.


This endpoint is inside the confirm submit dialog. By default it displays a generic confirmation message regarding submission of the change. Plugins may add content to this message or replace it entirely.

In addition to default parameters, the following are available:

  • change

    The change beinng potentially submitted, an instance of ChangeInfo

  • action

    The submit action, including the title and label, an instance of ActionInfo