gerrit ls-groups - List groups visible to caller


'ssh' -p <port> <host> 'gerrit ls-groups' [--project <NAME> | -p <NAME>] [--user <NAME> | -u <NAME>] [--owned] [--visible-to-all] [-q <GROUP>] [--verbose | -v]


Displays the list of group names, one per line, that are visible to the account of the calling user.

If the caller is a member of the privileged 'Administrators' group, all groups are listed.


Any user who has configured an SSH key.


This command is intended to be used in scripts.

All non-printable characters (ASCII value 31 or less) are escaped according to the conventions used in languages like C, Python, and Perl, employing standard sequences like \n and \t, and \xNN for all others. In shell scripts, the printf command can be used to unescape the output.



Name of the project for which the groups should be listed. Only groups are listed for which any permission is set on this project (or for which a permission is inherited from a parent project). Multiple --project options may be specified to specify additional projects. In this case all groups are listed that have a permission for any of the specified projects.

This option can’t be used together with the '--user' option.


User for which the groups should be listed. Only groups are listed that contain this user as a member.

The calling user can list the groups for the own user or must be a member of the privileged 'Administrators' group to list the groups for other users.

This option can’t be used together with the '--project' option.


Lists only the groups that are owned by the user that was specified by the --user option or if no user was specified the groups that are owned by the calling user.


Displays only groups that are visible to all registered users (groups that are explicitly marked as visible to all registered users).


Group that should be inspected. The -q option can be specified multiple times to define several groups to be inspected. If specified the listed groups will only contain groups that were specified to be inspected. This is e.g. useful in combination with the --owned and --user options to check whether a group is owned by a user.


Enable verbose output with tab-separated columns for the group name, UUID, description, owner group name, owner group UUID and whether the group is visible to all (true or false).

If a group has been "orphaned", i.e. its owner group UUID refers to a nonexistent group, the owner group name field will read n/a.


List visible groups:

$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-groups
Anonymous Users
Project Owners
Registered Users

List all groups for which any permission is set for the project "MyProject":

$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-groups --project MyProject
Project Owners
Registered Users

List all groups which are owned by the calling user:

$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-groups --owned

Check if the calling user owns the group MyProject_Committers. If MyProject_Committers is returned the calling user owns this group. If the result is empty, the calling user doesn’t own the group.

$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-groups --owned -q MyProject_Committers

Extract the UUID of the 'Administrators' group:

$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-groups -v | awk '-F\t' '$1 == "Administrators" {print $2}'

Extract and expand the multi-line description of the 'Administrators' group:

$ printf "$(ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-groups -v | awk '-F\t' '$1 == "Administrators" {print $3}')\n"
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